Kardec Group

About Spiritism

About Spiritism

God is the Supreme Intelligence, the first cause of all things. 1

Love God above all things, and your neighbour as yourself. 2

Spiritism is a Science and Philosophy, which brings light and understanding to life and morality.

‘God’ is the supreme intelligence and first cause of all things, the force of nature which created Humanity and everything else.

Spiritism believes in the existence of corporeal and non-corporeal life, that we continue to exist no matter if we have a physical body or not. Before we live a physical existence we are in the discarnate state as an essence, an intelligence, a being, a spirit. During our physical existence we are in an incarnate state, with our spirit bonding with the physical body.

When our physical body dies, we enter the discarnate state again, and our spirit detaches from the physical envelope and returns free to the spiritual plane.

During this phase, we are part of a greater spiritual existence where we are able to reflect on our physical existence, learn from our mistakes and evolve morally. When the time is right we reincarnate into a new physical body to start a new physical existence.

There are both good and unrighteous spirits, just as there are good and unrighteous people. This is down to the level of evolution and moral development of the individual.

The purpose of our physical existence is to grown and evolve both intellectually and morally, learning how to help one another, to be humble and to see how our actions have future reactions: the law of cause and effect.

Spiritism follows the Spiritist Philosophy, a set of books of scientific research and findings, documented and compiled by Allan Kardec. The principal books are: The Spirits’ Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, The Mediums Book, Genesis and Heaven and Hell.

Spiritism is also a study of Mediumship, the ability of communication with the spirits, i.e. those who no longer have a physical existence, and the flow of natural energies that allow this to happen.

“Communication between the spirit world and the corporeal world is in the nature of things, and has in it nothing supernatural. Traces of its existence are to be found among all nations and in every age; they are now becoming general and evident to all.” 3

All Spiritist practice is free, and Mediumship activities are always conducted with the view of helping others by following the Spiritist principles of morality and peace, and respecting the teaching: “Give for free what you have received for free”.

Spiritism does not impose its principles on others and respects all religions, faiths and backgrounds, and all are welcome to study this philosophy. Mediumship and communication with spirits is also not restricted to any one faith, religion or background.

Spiritism can be found throughout the world, and grows every day. There are, and have been, various important Mediums who have received guidance, support and instructions from Spirits, including poems, stories, art and music.

If you would like to know more about Spiritism, the Spiritist Philosophy, please feel free to contact us via the Contact page.

1, 3 The Spirits’ Book – Allan Kardec
2 Luke 10:27